Technology is transforming the world at an unprecedented pace, creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses across industries. But, how are women faring in this tech-driven era? Are they seizing the potential of technology to advance their careers, or are they falling behind in a male-dominated field?

According to some statistics, women still face significant barriers and biases in the tech industry. Today, women hold just 16% of engineering roles and 27% of computing roles in companies in the US. Moreover, 50% of women in tech roles leave them by the age of 35, citing reasons such as lack of career progression, gender discrimination, and work-life balance issues.

However, there are also signs of progress and hope for women in tech. Some large global technology firms have made and reported gains in gender diversity, reaching nearly 33% overall female representation in their workforces in 2022. 

These statistics show that there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the representation and retention of women in tech, as well as to create a more supportive and equitable work environment for them. Some possible solutions include setting diversity goals and targets, providing mentorship and sponsorship programs, offering flexible work arrangements, addressing bias and discrimination, and fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging.

Women can overcome the challenges they face in tech by embracing lifelong learning, developing a growth mindset, and finding mentors and role models who can support them. Employers and educators should take an active stance on addressing the tech gender gap by creating more inclusive cultures, policies, and curricula.

There are many inspiring examples of women who are leading the way in innovation, entrepreneurship, and social impact through technology. A most inspiring example from yesteryear is Katherine Johnson, the mathematician and NASA employee who calculated the trajectories for the first human spaceflight and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. 

The tech age offers immense possibilities for women in business to thrive and make a positive difference in the world. But it also requires them to be proactive, resilient, and adaptable to the changing demands and expectations of the digital economy. By leveraging technology as a tool for empowerment, rather than a threat or a barrier, women can unlock their full potential and lead the way to a more diverse, equitable, and innovative future.


29 Jul 2023
Author Adrie Barnard
28 of 112