Spring is here! It is time to declutter and bring the freshness of Spring into your home. Simplifying your home also gives your mind space to think, encourages creativity, and leaves you feeling happy and less overwhelmed.

Nowadays we spend more time at home, working from home, and even schooling our children at home. It is therefore important to make our lives less anxiety-riddled by deliberately creating sanctuary-type spaces at home where one can enjoy alone-time. Decorate your mini-getaway with plants or fresh flowers as a visually calm environment will also promote emotional calmness.

Just thinking of decluttering conjures up an image of mountains of work - this very thought is the cause of failure even before you start! The remedy to this lies in organising decluttering in bite-sized projects. Focussing on only one small task at a time and celebrating its successful completion, provides for a huge sense of accomplishment.

Tackle room by room. Decide what to keep, what to throw away, what to sell, and what to donate. Handle an item only once and do with it what comes to mind first. It is hard to do away with things to which there is an emotional attachment, but if it is not used or it is broken, get rid of it. And then, there is that garage and storeroom with boxes and boxes of stuff that you have long forgotten about, and your life is just fine without having it around - surely you can't treasure something that is stow away so deeply?  It is time for it to go...

No one says this is going to be easy. It is therefore important to understand your own motivation for decluttering, have an end goal in mind, work according to a definite plan, and have a timeframe for completion. Then take the first step. Start by tackling a task where you will see instant results, for instance, do the flat surfaces in the lounge and family room. Get rid of 'stuff' crowding your space. Digitise those old CDs and give the CDs away or sell them to a second-hand store. Eliminate ornamental things that have no purpose or are not great to look at. You will immediately see the difference and that will inspire you to continue to the next room. But wait! Whilst you're at it, rearrange some furniture pieces, open the curtains wide and bring in a pot plant or two. AH! The world of difference!

Declutter and downsize for Spring this year and lead a simpler life. You deserve it.



28 Aug 2021
Author Adrie Barnard
63 of 114