Spring is in the air and homebuyers are coming out of hibernation: it's the time of year that's typically considered a hot period for the housing market. Homebuying has a tendency to taper off in the winter. If you've considered selling your home, now is the time to take action.

Warmer Weather Makes Buyers Active

Spring is when people are more likely to go out and look for houses, especially after a long and cold winter. Buyers also want to move in and get settled before the holiday season. Where there is a high demand but low supply, prices escalate; this means that you can get a better price for your home - of course, this varies from area to area.

Spring is when you can take advantage of the longer days and more daylight to show your home to more potential buyers.

Prepare your home for a quick sale.

There are a few things you can do to make your home more attractive to buyers. Curb appeal is very important. Colourful flowers and neat lawns inspire a good first impression. Clean up the interior and wash the windows so that your home looks fresh and inviting. One of the most important steps in preparing your home for sale is to declutter and depersonalize it. This means removing any excess or unnecessary items that may distract buyers from seeing the potential of your home. Bring some of nature into your home; live plants, fresh flowers, and bright airy rooms with lots of sunlight invite buyers to put pen to paper. A fresh coat of paint in neutral colours can make a huge difference in how your home looks and feels. Getting your house in great shape before putting it on the market is essential for success.

Get a Head Start

It's important to pay attention to homes going on the market in your area and to emphasize the particular strengths and unique features of your home. Remember that buyers buy by comparison and won't pay more for your property if they can buy another one in your area with similar features and sizes.  And, while many markets are heating up, or hot already, it's important to keep in mind that a jump in home values in one area doesn't promise high home values anywhere else.

Reach out to an agent sooner rather than later to be advised of the best marketing strategy and comparable asking price to minimise the time your house remains on the market, which will reduce the disruption it might cause you.

If you want to sell your home, now is a good time as you can capitalise on Springtime, the Season of renewal, growth, and hope.

27 Aug 2023
Author Adrie Barnard
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