At this time of the year, one often becomes angry with life; your own circumstances, your co-workers, your employer - a general feeling of dissatisfaction overwhelms you. Another year is coming rapidly to a close and one tends to feel unfulfilled, especially if you have not achieved those goals you set out for yourself when you embraced 2023 with enthusiasm eleven months ago.

It might have been a tough year but look at it carefully. Did you not perhaps take one small step forward? You might not have made giant strides, but every step counts and you have learned new things this year, developed an essential skill, or met a person that opened new doors for you; you have grown in one way or another.

Be grateful. Be less critical. Count your blessings.

Take time away. Quiet moments with yourself render magic! Be gentle to yourself when you look back at 2023; you have come a long way. Be grateful for the lessons because it will stand you in good stead for the year to come. Make a list of the people that touched your life and were there when you needed them most; be thankful for having them.

Be still. Dig deep and you will find that you have accomplished much more than you think you have, even more than you actually thought you could. You might have added more value to other's lives than you realise. Maybe they didn't thank you enough or maybe you didn't listen well enough when they did. You are more valuable than you think you are.

If you leave this year behind with gratitude, not anger, you will have the foundation to build onto for next year and be in the right state of mind to take more steps in the direction you want to grow.

Look how far you have come. Pursue your dreams with passion. You know you can.

25 Nov 2023
Author Adrie Barnard
24 of 114